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License Analysis Feature List

List of analysis features contained in Software Inventory Manager to aid in your cost reduction and compliance:

Feature Description
Software Identification & Pricing Insights Identifies paid and free software and can include standard pricing if publicly available.
License Discovery Identifies paid licenses, on-prem, or subscription-based products as well as open source software.
Software Categorization Categorizes all software products based on a trusted software taxonomy. This helps companies standardize software installs based on categories (e.g., multiple PDF editors can be standardized into a company-wide solution).
Licensing Metadata Access to relevant licensing information about your products, including metrics, license models, pricing, and descriptions
Continuous Software Recognition Any unrecognized software will be recognized and added to the reports within a few days of data upload.
Advanced License Analysis Once the entire software estate is rationalized with SIM, users can opt for advanced analysis via specialized apps for vendors like Oracle, Microsoft, Adobe, Red Hat, etc.
NEO Integration Use our AI bot to gain a deeper insight into your software inventory.