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Oracle LMS Script

This article explains the Oracle LMS script, a utility used in licensing assessments and audit-related activities

The Oracle LMS script is a diagnostic tool provided by Oracle, used in the context of software license assessments and compliance reviews. It is intended to extract data from Oracle Database environments in a format compatible with Oracle's internal review processes.

The LMS script is commonly associated with Oracle's License Management Services and is used to support activities such as internal self-assessments, licensing evaluations, or formal audits. It produces structured output designed for review by Oracle or designated stakeholders.

How to Run the Script


  • Access to the Oracle Database instance
  • SYSDBA privileges
  • SQL*Plus or a compatible SQL execution environment
  • Permissions to write output files to a designated location

Execution Steps

  1. Place the script on the database server or an accessible directory.
  2. Open a terminal session.
  3. Launch SQL*Plus with administrative access:
    sqlplus / as sysdba
  4. Navigate to the script’s location.
  5. Execute the script:
    SQL> @<script_name>.sql
  6. After execution, the output files will be generated in the specified location. These files can be reviewed or used as part of licensing-related workflows.

Additional Notes

  • The script operates in a read-only capacity and does not alter database configurations.
  • It is typically provided directly by Oracle as part of specific engagement processes.
  • Generated output is structured to align with Oracle’s internal tools and assessment methodologies.