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License Analysis Feature List

List of analysis features contained in Oracle Database Deployment Manager to aid in your cost reduction and compliance:

Feature Description
Options pack usage Automatically recognises options pack usage showing if an option is:

Not Used
Historically Used
Cloned Usage
Verify Usage

Along with costs each of the options are generating.

Historical usage Show the exact first and last usage date of a given option or pack.
Number of times used Surfaces the number of times a specific option or pack has been used.
RAC usage RAC is often enabled by default, so we identify if more than one member is part of RAC, more than one member would imply proper usage, 1 or 0 would show it is enabled but not in use.
Full Database version and editions Understand the exact Database versions and editions deployed in your environment.
Golden Gate See whether or not GoldenGate is enabled on each Database.
Applications and Environments See what applications or environments are associated with a particular Oracle database, including EBS.
Cloned Databases Databases can be cloned which is identified via duplicate DB IDs, identifying this can aid in reducing licensing requirements and therefore costs.
Pack Access Agreed Understand OEM managed targets, which OEM packs are present, when pack access was agreed and by whom.
Database Sessions and Schemas See each Database Session and their schemas for NUP based analysis, surfacing information regarding the users (system or non-system), login dates, modules, programs and more.
EBS Databases Easily identify which Databases are associated with which EBS applications.
Database Modifications Find out which Databases and which objects have had modifications applied.
License Entitlement SKU Recognition and Normalisation Automatically normalises MLS SKU names with actual product names and matches them with installed products.
Comprehensive Infrastructure Mapping Support for:
- AIX Pool
- AIX Physical
- Solaris Zones
- Solaris CPU Pools
- Solaris Domains
- Solaris Physical Devices
- Standalone Devices
- Virtualization Clusters
- Physical Hosts
- Virtual Devices
- OVM Physical Devices
- OVM Virtual Devices
- HPUX Devices