Minimum RVTool Tabs and Columns
If working with a subsection of RVTool data, this explains the minimum requirements for tabs and columns
Sheet: tabvInfo or vInfo
Required columns:
Required columns:
- VM
- Datacenter
- Cluster
- Host
Note: This sheet must contain data
Sheet: tabvCPU or vCPU
Required columns:
- VM
- CPUs
- Sockets
- Datacenter
- Cluster
- Host
Note: This sheet must contain data
Sheet: tabvHost or vHost
Required columns:
- Host
- Datacenter
- Cluster
- \# CPU
- Cores per CPU
- \# Cores
Note: This sheet must contain data
Sheet: vCluster or tabvCluster
Required columns:
- Name
- NumCpuCores
- NumCpuThreads
Note: This sheet can be emptyEach sheet must contain all the listed columns for its section. The file must be in one of these formats: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, or .xlsb.