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How to use RVTools to obtain the relevant information including infrastructure relationships, hardware information and operating systems.

Install RVTools

  1. Visit
  2. Download the latest version of RVTools (a standalone .msi installer).
  3. Run the installer and follow the setup instructions.

RVTools does not require additional configuration after installation and does not install any background services or agents.

Connect to vCenter or ESXi

  1. Launch RVTools.
  2. Click on File > Connect to vCenter Server.
  3. Enter the following:
    • FQDN or IP of the vCenter or ESXi host
    • Username and Password (read-only access is sufficient)
    • Optional: Check “Save password” if needed for recurring scans
  4. Click Login. The tool will begin collecting data across multiple tabs (VMs, Hosts, Datastores, Networks, etc.)

Export Data for Licenseware

Once connected and data is collected:

  1. Click on File > Export All to Excel (.xlsx)
  2. Save the file locally and rename it if needed (e.g., RVTools_<date>.xlsx).
  3. Upload this file into the Infrastructure Mapper app (IFMP)

The exported file includes multiple sheets with detailed information used by Licenseware for software inventory, virtualization mapping, and core licensing assessments in MDM.

Minimum RVTool Tabs and Columns

If working with a subsection of RVTool data, this explains the minimum requirements for tabs and columns

Sheet: tabvInfo or vInfo
Required columns:
  • VM
  • Datacenter
  • Cluster
  • Host
Note: This sheet must contain data

Sheet: tabvCPU or vCPU
Required columns:
  • VM
  • CPUs
  • Sockets
  • Datacenter
  • Cluster
  • Host
Note: This sheet must contain data

Sheet: tabvHost or vHost
Required columns:
  • Host
  • Datacenter
  • Cluster
  • \# CPU
  • Cores per CPU
  • \# Cores
Note: This sheet must contain data

Sheet: vCluster or tabvCluster
Required columns:
  • Name
  • NumCpuCores
  • NumCpuThreads
Note: This sheet can be emptyEach sheet must contain all the listed columns for its section. The file must be in one of these formats: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, or .xlsb.