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License Analysis Feature List

List of analysis features contained with the Microsoft Deployment Manager to aid in your cost reduction and compliance:

Feature Description
Installed Software Recognition and Normalisation Automatically recognises the installed software, normalises the product name and enriches with product metadata.
Transparent Software Recognition Matching Shows the raw software title and the recognised software match.
Component Recognition Recognises licensable components and assigns relevant licenses depending on edition match Enterprise vs Standard.
Core License Calculations Applies Core licensing rules by default, taking into account core minimums and other relevant licensing rules (e.g. physical vs virtual, Standard vs Enterprise - considering the no. of VMs running on a given host).
Software Assurance (SA) Calculations Applies relevant SA rules depending on licensing scenario applied.
Software Assurance (SA) Calculations Applies relevant SA rules depending on licensing scenario applied.
e.g. max no. of virtual instances of SQL Server based on the host server having Enterprise edition with or without SA.
SQL per device vs maximum virtualisation right comparison Maximum virtualisation with SQL Server Enterprise including/excluding Software Assurance (SA) vs SQL Server Standard per instance automated comparison for optimisation.
Windows Server Standard with stacking vs Datacenter unlimited virtualisation right comparison Automated comparison of licensing Windows Server hosts with Standard vs Datacenter based on the virtual density to determine the most cost effective method to license the host.
VMotion max capacity Standard calculation Automated calculation of the Windows Server Standard licensing requirements of a host if VMotion was enabled across the cluster to allow for the free movement of VMs.
Exclude Relevant Environments from License Calculations Ability to exclude DR, Dev, UAT, etc. environments from total license calculations.
Price Est. Calculations Calculates estimated licensing costs in USD, using the standard Level A Enterprise Agreement price list.
Actionable Insights Provides actionable insights based on analysed data.
e.g. flags discontinued dates, trials/eval products, CAL requirements, server installation on desktop devices, etc.
Automated License Allocation Establishes a hierarchy of deployment and entitlement value and automatically assigns them logically to minimise compliance risk and maximise surplus.
License Entitlement SKU Recognition and Normalisation Automatically normalises MLS SKU names with actual product names and matches them with installed products.