Device details report detail
This report collects all the device information captured during processing. Use this information to understand the calculation results or easily export and plug this data into your analysis tool.
- ESX - Total device count, showing virtualisation level also
- Windows - Total device count, showing virtualisation level also
- Virtual Relationships - Host vs Guest relationships along with type of device
- AIX LPAR Devices
- Name, Type
- Pool ID
- Online Virtual CPU
- Minimum Virtual CPU
- Entitled Capacity
- Dedicated
- Capped
- Maximum Physical CPU
- Active CPU in Physical Device and Pool
- Total number of Processors, Cores and Threads
- Oracle Core Factor
- CPU Model
- Virtualization and OS Type
- Manufacturer and Model
- Raw Data
- AIX Pool Devices
- Name, Type
- No. of LPARs Running
- Pool ID
- Maximum Physical CPU
- Active CPU in Physical Device and Pool
- Total number of Processors, Cores and Threads
- Oracle Core Factor
- CPU Model
- Virtualization and OS Type
- Manufacturer and Model
- Raw Data
- AIX Physical Devices
- Name, Type
- No. of Running Pools
- Maximum Physical CPU
- Active CPU in Physical Device and Pool
- Total number of Processors, Cores and Threads
- Oracle Core Factor
- CPU Model
- Virtualization and OS Type
- Manufacturer and Model
- Raw Data
- Solaris Zones
- Name, Type
- Capped
- State
- Pool ID and Pset Name
- Pool Pset Max and Size
- Global Zone
- Total number of Processors, Cores and Threads
- Oracle Core Factor
- CPU Model
- Virtualization and OS Type
- Manufacturer and Model
- Raw Data
- Similar detail also for:
- Solaris CPU Pools
- Solaris Domains
- Solaris Physical Devices
- Standalone Devices
- Virtualization Clusters
- Physical Hosts
- Virtual Devices
- OVM Physical Devices
- OVM Virtual Devices
- HPUX Devices