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All supported data sources

This article lists all the supported data sources.

More uploader can be added on request. 

The full list includes, but is not limited to:

App Data Source Details
Oracle Database
ODBM ServiceNow Oracle GLAS Report
ODBM Oracle Review Lite scripts
ODBM Oracle LMS DB Collection scripts
ODBM Oracle Options Pack Usage Statistics scripts
ODBM Licenseware Collection Scripts scripts
ODBM Any verified Oracle tool see all
Oracle Entitlements
OEM Entitlement Template template
Oracle Fusion Middleware
OMWM Oracle LMS Collection scripts
Oracle Java
OJDM JDowser .exe
OJDM Lansweeper API API
OJDM OJDM Collector opensource
OJDM OJDM Template template
MDM Lansweeper API or exports
MDM Microsoft SCCM sql query
MDM Microsoft MAP Toolkit db dump
MDM Microsoft Office365 Admin Portal exports
MDM Snow License Manager exports
MDM Flexera FNMS exports
MDM Visual Studio User Declaration template
MDM BigFix Software Report export
MDM ServiceNow API
MDM Proactivanet exports
MDM MDM Template template
Microsoft Entitlements
MEM VLSC exports
MEM MLS file
MEM Entitlement Template template
Infrastructure Data
IFMP IBM Hardware Management Console exports
IFMP ServiceNow exports or API
IFMP RVTools exports
IFMP VMware PowerCLI script
IFMP IFMP Template template
IFMP Licenseware Collection Scripts script
Red Hat 
RDM Licenseware Collector Red Hat Script script
RDM RHEL Discovery exports
ADM Lansweeper API
Supported Software Catalog
SSC Products Uploader template
SSC Users Catalog template
SSC ServiceNow exports or API